What is master node? I don't know anything about it.
So I am against it.
In my opinion, a way to keep people from being disloyal and trying to cheat the system by using "borrowed" CPU computing power is to require the miners to stake in order to receive POW rewards.
That is what masternodes do: @Fireduck A masternode is a node that usually does some specialized task for the coin and receives a reward for performing the task. The masternode owner has to stake coin to buy the masternode in order to own a masternode and receive mining or work rewards. In the case of DASH for instance, I think the masternodes help with Instant Send currency transactions: The send transaction is done much faster without the usual required confirmations.
I like masternodes, but in the case of Arionum, in my opionion, they basically precluded themselves from being a CPU coin anymore.
Ok. I'm against that. I am not bothered by others using them.
The idea could be neat but it seems somehow wrong
It was somewhat profitable for me to mine on servers when it was about .15. Then the price dropped to .03; it was unproffitable to CPU mine for me without just mining on spare clock cycles. Then they cut the reward by 1/3 by spreading the rewards to CPU, GPU and masternodes. So then my returns would have dropped by a third.
Ok. I like the idea of having to stake coin in order to mine because that makes miners become loyal to the coin and it also makes the coin more expensive to 51% attack, but it would take decentralization away.
I think the low effusion of this coin will help it.
Well said @aikida3k
I’m not necessarily for it, just wanted to see your guys opinions
@CryptoQuan Thanks. I guess we'll have to see how price does once it gets on an exchange.
If it goes to $100 I can retire but it won't do that for a few years
I can wait a few years for $100
Is the ticker going to be SNOW?
Sure. I'm not the boss of itm
What do you mean by "stake coin" @aikida3k ?
@Clueless to stake coin, you withhold a required amount of coin that must be kept in order to receive a reward. An example is one coin I used to mine, the work was quantified in Recent Average Credit. So running the program on your server would generate so much RAC per day, somewhere usually around 5,000 to 10,000 RAC per day. So in order to receive reward, we had to do a very small, negligible burn transaction on the blockchain to register a CPID. We associated our CPID with our stake amount, which was required to be 20 coin per RAC. So 10k RAC required 200,000 coins to be held, staked, in order to receive 100% reward. This leads to a coin lock up effect, that should eventually lead to stable or higher prices, especially with a higher effusion coin.
the important thing to remember is that dignity grows back
it is a renewable resource
just 100$ ? 1 SNOW = 1 bitcoin at the end of this year.:joy:
@Clueless Ethereum is supposedly switching to Staking (PoS) when Casper is released
I like how snow is mined, one actually has to learn something new to participate :nerd_face:
hey guys
Hey there, is it mandatory to install Bazel to export private key ?
not at all
the newest release has the functionality built in
it would be something like java -jar SnowBlossomClient.jar client.conf export plain.txt
Hi Fireduck, thanks for your answer :grinning:
It has been implemented in 1.3.2 or before ?
it is in 1.3.0 and later, I think
absolutely it is in 1.3.2
I'm on Win7, I've got that answer: "Error: Unable to access jarfile SnowBlossomClient.jar"
Shit, I should have installed that on my Linux partition
you can take a look at what client.bat does
most likely your jar file is in some other location and my command line was bad
I was assuming that SnowBlossomClient.jar would be in the current directory
I have a jarfile whose name is SnowBlossomClient_deploy.jar
I guess it's not the good one
That is a fine one
There is a reason I said a command something like what I typed
OK, thanks for the insistance on "something like", lol
I obtained a plain.txt file, with about 80 public & private keys
Sounds about right
TBH, I'm still a bit lost I have this collection of 80 public & private keys following that form : "keys": [{ "signatureType": 1, "publicKey": "AnegiZWsGC3seLvtiukUJXg2XIf7wcw0l8xwrtVpwd1i", "privateKey": "XXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
After that, I've got about 80 times the following form: "addresses": [{ "requiredSigners": 1, "sigSpecs": [{ "signatureType": 1, "publicKey": "AnegiZWsGC3seLvtiukUJXg2XIf7wcw0l8xwrtVpwd1i"
And then, I got my 80 or so SNOW adresses with their timestamp creation
So how am I supposed to link a SNOW address to its public & private key ?
They are in the same order of creation ?
You want to separate out a single address?
Don't count on any ordering
I want to know the private key of a specific SNOW address
Is the plain.txt file a kind of array ?
Yes, you're right, I want to separate a single address
It is a json file
Read wiki technical page about address spec / claim structure
You don't want just the private key
OK, I will dig that.
Thanks for ur help, I will come back to confirm my success (I hope lol)
You are probably better off making a new wallet with fewer keys
And transfer to that
key_count=1 key_pool_size=0
Is there a snow telegram group?
It was mentioned on discord
Not that I have seen
what's a telegram?