Something odd is happening with pool shares.
```Address Shares Percentage xjka8tj9kf6ayg3wdvnhsc9pmv0wjkc5cqdt4uds 9353262 95.09 949rn7zddjet6rsjzdmz6tjygugsx88yr59th5yg 97666 0.99```
snow:xjka8tj9kf6ayg3wdvnhsc9pmv0wjkc5cqdt4uds 5-min: 106.9M/s, 15-min: 114.8M/s, hour: 68.7M/s snow:949rn7zddjet6rsjzdmz6tjygugsx88yr59th5yg 5-min: 259.9M/s, 15-min: 244.8M/s, hour: 203.4M/s ```
depends on the total history of those guys, not list the last hour
only history since last block should matter, no?
PPLNS, set to 5 blocks
pool keeps track for the equivalent of 5 blocks back
and it is shares of the pool, not total network
so if the pool is 10% of network hash, then it would be 50 blocks back
How can i get my private key to my address out of my node?
At the moment you copy the wallet
It is on the issue list
Almost there...
difficulty (avg): 39.099 (38.799)
@Clueless might be having a problem
only started working when I switched to
Didn't test hard
House full if crazy
Also web site seems to not be updating
so essentially everyone is on protopool
not gonna enter a user funnel arms race, done with those
i very deliberately have zero tracking, but hey plz, i has a pool A Snowblossom mining pool which tries to do things slow, steady, stable and thorough.
One more block.
The explorer seems to show the "next" value somehow.
well, it is complicated.
The difficulty actually drops between blocks
if we didn't get a block for long enough you could see it drop
INFO: The activated field is 7 (llama).
so the average isn't locked until a block is found
I'm awake