<- doing random aliquot sequences
Don't even know that word
fun with integer factorization, basically
I always put a prime number in my password
Since it can't be factored, it is secure
Hope its an odd one
Hi all I just joined I've read about Snowblossom Cryptocurrency from Github and it seems that the concept of mining using the snow field is an interesting concept
@Mr.Krabs welcome
I have to sleep, but I hope you feel at home. :P
hey guys
hey Squanch
Is there a tool to generate short addresses?
no, but it could be made
you can think of me as a tool tool
A tool to make tools
are women tool tool tools then?
Sure, why not
I wouldn't recommend telling them that
what was the link the richlist?
if you were rich enough, you'd know
thank you very much.
I see the richlist is a text file, does that autoupdate?
of cause
cool thanks
with the power of cronjob
duuu duu du duuuuuuuu
public class RichList { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
Likes to be started directly
yeah, it is a stand alone tool
I think I was trying to get it done in an hour for some reason
fun fact: since it is using the new GetUTXOUtil it also fully validates the UTXO tree of the current block
It takes some time to update, live generation is not an option
takes about a minute for me
I´ll just link to your richlist
if that is a big deal, open a issue
there are some things I can do to speed it up quite a lot
but won't do it unless someone cares
55 seconds. Thats okay
cool. I can only speed it up by having it beat on your node harder with multiple threads, which might not actually be fun
Its a single core VM, not sure if thats even faster
it would be, because it would get multiple things into the IO waiting loop for your storage
the slow part is waiting for database bits back from disk
I´ll just leave it as it is, below one minute is okay
how often do you update it?
every four hours
there we go
every hour
what about adding ranking numbers for each address?
lets see.. can do I think
Whats your rank?
much too low. i need more snow. :snowman:
which wallet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
largest one of cause
I spread mine out to be tricky
but even if I combined it certainly not the top
170k is insane
someone's spending serious money
market cap is only $509,775. that's not serious enough. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
I wouldn't take that market cap approximation seriously
imagine this amount as dollar bills .. thats a huge pile.
50k coins per week and mining power concentration, yeah
market cap, lol
the depth is like $25k max
Don't get me wrong, I think things are going well and I am glad people are interested
but selling more than a tiny fraction of that wouldn't work right now
You could get the 4.x BTC thats placed as buy orders right now, maybe another BTC after that
Looks like Snow is starting to get some attention
Seeing it talked about a little more on Twitter
and on 4chan. :scream:
4chan? Missed that one
Oh yeah I don't get on biz lol. But I'm glad they're seeing it. They were the ones pumping ChainLink last year haha
4chan? good
Can you link it?
In two hundred years they will write in the history books about how the new founders the next phase of civilization met on 4chan
where they spoke an early version of memolog
https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/11460657 Buy Snowblossom - "/biz/ - Business & Finance" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion of business and finance, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
My belief is that very intelligent people come to 4chan to shitpost and act dumb
history books in two hundred years? :thinking_face:
they will mostly be mangas
printed on old cardboard
^^ the hacker knows as "4chan" solved a mathematical problem.
4chan is a collective hive mind of savants who when are given proper motivation can solve any puzzle known to man
Maybe all users on 4chan are just a giant AI
They are just as good at finding and identifying people than intelligence agencies
They located an ISIS training facility by a few pictures
They located Shia LaBeouf's flag by tracking flight patterns
i think the ISIS stuff was proved to be fake.
Incredible atuff
I thought it was real
i have no sources for that as i have forgotten where i read that.
4chan is the mechanical turk version of the village idiot