Going to have a to make a watch only form of the wallet
since to do separate signing you need the address specs, but not the private keys
I am breaking the rpc send interface
I don't imagine anyone cares
but it is either change it now or support it being strange forever
note: that is more advanced than anything any bitcoin client I've ever seen has
@Eric @bitbumper The new create transaction rpc is checked in. :wink:
Can you explain it to me like I’m 5 years old?
@CryptoQuan QTrade is asking for features to be implemented in the client. These detailed features are needed for developers, but usually not by typical users.
Is there something about the price and speed of a pi3 with a sata port?
@Fireduck Looks great, very flexible.
@Fireduck are you thinking of holding on FrostyTrader and going with qtrade?
Yeah that is our current thinking
Cool. Bummer for innovation but it's better from a liability perspective.
Suck to not use all that code
And I really wanted to see if my pricing algorithm would work out
i for one am glad for @Fireduck dodging bullets he’s not even aware of yet
Oh I am aware, just also brazen and possibly stupid
you’re aware of the terra cognita, you’re not stupid, sure, but there’s also the multitudes of terra incognita of digital assets in countries (in plural) yet to form legal frameworks on such
Yeah, it would be fun to get a summonze to a court in Uzbekistan or something
well, you can manage extradictments to a degree with liquid assets and moving around, but unless that was already a lifestyle of yours, that’ll be quite the discussion with the significant other, especially with offspring in the mix
I don't even have a valid passport right now