I would never buy electronics off eBay
I’d only buy brand new
Idk what people did to that stuff
Rubbed theirs oily lays potato chip fingers all over chipsets and stuff
this PCIE riser costs $450 from amazon Aplicata Quad M.2 NVMe SSD PCIe x8 Adapter
$110 per port seems like a lot
the dell adapter is "only" 250
it is, you can probably make your own for cheaper
That x16 los great for me
I got one of those slots
My GPU I currently siting in i
i'm starting to think i have an echo @samspeed
@NoNoo hmmm。。。。LOL
I grabbed a server of ebay with ddr3 memory and it does the same as a Samsung 970 EVO 2TB - NVMe using one of these adapters https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BFSRJ21/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Get ultra-fast data access by adding a PCIe M.2 SSD to your existing...
Should I issue a bug bounty?
Only interested in things that would trigger an unintentional fork or spending other's funds.
And I'm pretty confident I wouldn't be paying that out.
Bounty in BCH
@Fireduck I might be willing to match bounty rewards in SNO or BTC.
Appreciate that. We should talk.
@Fireduck can i know, how old are you?
@Clueless How about you ?
He is mid 20s. Can't remember exactly.
I am not an English speaking person. so maybe my english is a bit weird.
you seem to be an English speaking person...
or at least English typing
Is that true ? where are you from ? @Tyler Boone
I mean, you are communicating in English right now
Don't seem any stranger than anyone else around here
@Tyler Boone yes, I'm trying
both the the 970 evo and pro are probably slower than the 960 pro and the 950 pro, but i enjoy being proven wrong
how to mine ?
@cXplexus what’s what an electronics degreaser spray is for
How are they faster?
does this coin have gui wallet yet?
not yet @Sada
Hi im very new to non gui wallets, but I think ive got it working, can anyone send me half a coin or something so I can test things out?
@Burtnerd just send a small balance to yourself. There are 8 addresses in the wallet.
Check out the wiki for a guide.
@cXplexus I wasn't planning on mining, I was just hoping to purchase
@Burtnerd send me an address
@Fireduck flc27c88zldpp4g2mnfrazqj6uzg9xwzz98cpgnd
Are you ment to use the "snow:" prefix when sending or just the address?
you can do it with or without the snow:
it has an internal checksum that will fail if you use a snow on a testnet or anything else
how long does a transaction normally take?
your node and client should see it almost instantly
then it should be confirmed in about 10 minutes
damn something went wrong on my end, if I get things working I should be able to recover that using wallet.db right?
Im getting the error unable to access SnowBlossonNode_deploy.jar when I try to run node, its in the snowblossom-1.1.2 file like everything else, does it need to be moved?
@Fireduck is 1.1.2 Win release? didn't see the -win-
it’s java, all the same
I know I was just wondering if I had to build from source or not.
you may
these look interesting a couple of hardware generations down the line: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/memory-storage/solid-state-drives/data-center-ssds/dc-p4500-series/dc-p4500-8tb-ruler-3d1.html Intel® SSD DC P4500 Series 8TB specifications, benchmarks, features, Intel® technology, reviews, pricing, and where to buy.
on the short term 960 pro and the asus pci-e card look good: https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/memory-storage/solid-state-drives/ssd-960-pro-m-2-2tb-mz-v6p2t0bw/ https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboard-Accessory/HYPER-M-2-X16-CARD/ Discover the latest features and innovations available in the SSD 960 PRO M.2 2TB. Find the perfect Memory & Storage for you! ASUS USA: HYPER M.2 X16 CARD | Motherboard Accessories | ASUS USA
@Rotonen the 970 evo is cheaper than the 960 pro with slightly faster speeds.
unless your talking about the peak random mixed io speeds
All we care about is random reads
we also care about the specifics not covered well by sales numbers or common benchmarks, like sustained random seek latency jitter
i’ll not get a 970 evo myself, that’s not cheap enough in relation for what i seek
also storage clearance prices on 950 pro and 960 pro can be pretty good currently
@Rotonen this is covered by anand’s performance consistency metric, no? https://www.anandtech.com/show/7065/intel-ssd-dc-s3500-review-480gb-part-1/3 Intel SSD DC S3500 Review (480GB): Part 1
NVM, that’s random write. But similar
@Jimtalksdata not 100% unrelated, but no
the snowblossom problem is sorta the same as what major physics experiments do - sifting through immense volumes of uninteresting data
snowblossom is just easier in what is there to be found - it is exactly known what is sought, the signal is not noisy and the measurements do not have built in uncertainty
But still “random” as the access pattern is not predictable, yes?
yeah, it is deterministic rather than random
but for the purposes of a drive and io bus, it is random
there is no way any precaching could predict the reads
I was supposed to get my 970 pro yesterday but Amazon failed to ship it
@Fireduck rather curious to the USD/MH/s
I'll put it on the sheet when I get it running
USD fluctuates a lot with market, seller, ebay, etc
I think I'm going to write an escrow app for here and discord
i trust your need to keep your reputation better than input sanitation on a chat bot
@Clueless for readability, left-pad your average column so the commas align
If you guys are doing most processing of any sort on that data I can output it in a easier form, like csv or pipe delimited
or even json
and not convert the numbers so you can do your own representation
you can output it as a rocksdb
that maximizes... something
it maximizes failure
would have to completely close it out for reads to be able to read it without errors
I'm going to add AtomicFileOutputStream to duckutils
writes to a temporary file and on close moves to final location, replacing anything there
I keep doing that pattern and doing it right involves some strange to be windows compatible
@Fireduck i can cope with about anything - mostly if you change outputs, version them or change log that in excruciating detail
providing an interface is optimistically an eternal pact, etc.
so you can cope with anything except wildly changing outputs with no notice?
in finnish we have a saying ’like the devil reads the bible’, you sorta fulfill that there :P
i can build the transmogrification pipeline when a change arrives, but would rather not - it works currently
ok, cool
and if you wanna give parsable output, i prefer formally valid xml, not json or other modern doohickeys ibm xmlstarlet is quite the powerhouse
the current output goes well enough with gnu cut and gnu sort and printf
(and xargs)
I hate xml >.>
I remember when XML was hot
Where are your XSLTs?
i still deal with transforms daily
XML with attributes is not the worst thing I can imagine
i’ll do json as soon as someone shows me how to exchange non-IEEE floats over it reliably
@Rotonen just convert to flakes/bits and deal in ints ? :P
no floats in currency handling, or what would mt. gox say
@Clueless you jest, but understanding fixed point vs. float is so essential, i’ll leave this pointer here in <#CAS0CNA3U|general>
hash rates are not a currency
fair enough, lost track
erm no, but sleep anyway ->
json does have a couple big limitations
1) lack of type specification 2) lack of comments
why not just protobuf it?
because humans need to read it?
or edit it
or you want to consume it in code without compiling something with the entire schema
fun plan, convert snowblossom into GB of data read per unit