@Rotonen oh, this is what I got stuck on: https://github.com/docker/hub-feedback/issues/508 Since we can have ARGS on dockerfile, seems right to have them available on auto-builds as also (for having different tags based on the same Dockerfile)
dockerhub supports "environmental variables", but not build args, in my setup, the build args override the environment variables. So building on dockerhub always fails.
ah, tricky, docker build hooks.
i have never tried to build anything on dockerhub itself so far
i’d assume docker itself provides a suotable github action for that
replacing the scripts `COPY` with git init - fetch - checkout cycles could be nice for transparency of what is going on during a build https://hub.docker.com/r/snowblossom/snowblossom/dockerfile
Okay, I'm leaving it disabled for the moment, but it's almost there.
i can give the images a spin locally later in the evening tonight
I need to go over your notes and see that I made the changes. Just revving up again.