Old logfiles for the database node and pool (LOG.old*) are not restricted in growth or deleted. In particular the log files for the node db can grow to several gigabytes after a few months. Suggestion: Limit size via config files or delete after x days. Workaround: Delete old files via cron job
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64
why rotate yourself at all?
These are not human readable logs, they are binary db transaction logs
so to me, it makes sense to let the db layer handle it
gotcha, ~ postgres write ahead logs
yeah, at least I think that is what they are
i guess in production one would have some pickup method and stream those to a cold (lukewarm?) spare?
rocksdb users are not very verbose
of course, my normal pessimism applies. Never trust a single filesystem or database with anything critical.
yeah, if you have an authoritative rocksdb that you absolutely could not lose state on I'm not sure what you would do
probably not use rocksdb for that
at least without a paxos layer on top
do you need the performance there? JDBC / sqlite / postgres?
the best arguments i see for rocksdb have to do with tight hardware coupling, which is unlikely to happen in this kind of a scope
for cryptocurrency stuff, were people love having everything locally hosted, rocksdb is great. It is fast and holds a lot of data without breaking.
true, sqlite is nightmare fuel
if I actually needed an authoritative state for something, I'd probably pay the dollars for google bigtable or spanner and make it their problem
google is really good at that sort of thing
but minimum cluster size is on the order of $6/hr so not for cheap little things
well, that’s way cheaper than a competent DBA, and especially so if you need 24/7 rotations and sickleave redundancy
yeah, my estimate is that it takes about 6 people to cover 24/7 if you need to treat them like humans
If mostly up and mostly not my problem is good enough, the Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL are quite good.
yeah, that team, including side costs, seats, walls, would probably run at up to 2M per year
aka why managers love IaaS