I say I am trying to stike a balance as I figure out the national weather service api to get alerts
ok, scope creep question of the day....I am builing my home automation display
it will display a bunch of system status stuff only of interest to me, some stock and crypto prices
some weather data
so I am thinking of getting the data from Nation Weather Service directly, since as a US tax payer, I already pay for it
I was thinking of building a notification system, where there was an AWS SNS topic for each county that people could subscribe to if they want NWS alerts as well
I guess I shouldn't do that. For that I feel like I would actually have to put on my distributed systems engineer hat and build it properly
with multiple nodes and master election or autohealing of some sort
to ensure that it was reliable
which is fine, but involved running more crap in the cloud that I have to pay for
run your own cloud without redundancy?
I think a service where I am relaying alerts that people might make safety decisions on should have a higher bar
do the something aweful route, 5usd for lifetime access
yeah, it really wouldn't cost much to do well. SNS would be doing most of the hard part.
Of course, I wrote a good chunk of SNS. I wonder how much of my code is still running there.