2019-05-11 09:31:32
@Fireduck btw. did you ever figure out how to let a localhost user just slam electrumx?
2019-05-11 20:43:07
https://medium.com/@volumenetworkblockchain/why-should-i-rebuild-a-new-tron-4ea4dd83bb7b Former Co-Founder and CTO of TRON.network.and Top decentralized storage project-Lambda build Volume Network(VOL) together.
2019-05-11 20:43:57
using similar mining as snow, thought it was interesting
2019-05-11 22:07:17
it’s not very well explained, but seems to do just one read every now and then?
proof of space and time.... burst and chia are already doing it. i dont have a good feeling since tron plagerize a lot