heh, we finally somewhat sorted out the liquidity requirements discussion here in .ch https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/risk-weighting_swiss-regulator-gives-risk-guidance-on-crypto-trading/44518298 The Swiss regulator says cryptocurrencies should be valued at eight times their market price when calculating loss-absorbing capital buffers.
let's see if that results in any actually operational interesting companies now
When `my tv crashes` it turns off.
Should I post my votes online? On second thought, voting by popularity is something I'd fear if people did that.
Do what you want
I'm voting against the gun control because they literally used the string `semi automatic assault rifles` which clearly demonstrates they have no idea what they're talking about
I voted against the WA measure as well. It seemed to be nonsense.
Hey devs @Fireduck @Clueless any thoughts on csw attacking the whole space? https://youtu.be/JYKC_k8YcIY sb will not be affected right? YouTube Video: The Coming Hash War - A Message To Bitcoiners
@Daeng CSW is a scammer, I don't care what he has to say.
same here
:+1: :sweat_smile:
if there is a cogent point that doesn't involve watching a youtube video I could respond to it
@Daeng • I've talked to him directly, he's a lying asshole (but maybe he deals with assholes all day and just assumed I was an asshole, that's forgivable) • I've caught him in repeated lies and contradictions *that I can prove* • I've caught his associates in repeated lies and contradictions. *that I can prove* • he advertises, hard, and is fraudulent.
Cointext ceo vim said - csw calvin samsung sb - 51% attack bch - attack other pow projects Bye bye open innovation
..? `csw calvin samsung sb` what does this mean? `51% attack bch` what does this mean?
I watched CSW talking in a youtube seminar or conference once. I stopped watching when I accounted for like 5 immediately disprovable lies, like in the first 2 minutes.
According to vim of cointext in that video coingeek pool partner with sbi japan and samsung will do 51% if succeed
So they're partnering with samsung, to do what, with what?
Vin was in bitcoin since 2012 so he must know atleast know what he's talking about right
I doubt it's legal for samsung to just hand them equipment. I doubt their investors would allow that, and I doubt customers would be willing to accept used equipment. also, it'd probably require highly custom stuff.
also, samsung serves a massive market, I doubt custom hardware would help them much.
(keep in mind, my doubts are not the same as proofs :P)
This week the firm Squire Mining, a company that plans to offer next-generation 10nm ASIC chips, has revealed it is working with Samsung Electronics as its foundry partner. With help from Samsung’s foundry, Squire, and a company called Gaonchips, plan to complete its ASIC chip FPGA prototype by September 30, 2018.
Squire mining is Calvin's
@Daeng Well, ASICs and FPGAs won't help much with snowblossom. So, that's good for us. :S?
Good to know :+1:
@Daeng Snowblossom uses an IO based POW. It's not about computational speed or efficiency, which ASICs provide lots of. It's about storage speed, basically. Regardless of whatever custom hardware you make, the storage costs are basically the same. So even if they made super fancy ASICs, they'd still be super expensive and won't be much faster.
I'm still trying to figure out about snowblossom though and isn't snowblossom the name is too mouthful for a currency?
Bitcoin Snowblossom
@Daeng Just use Snow for short.
It was a development name and kinda stuck
Rebranding in progress?
I think we're dug in at this point. Everyone knows us as snowblossom, the domains are bought and paid for, discord, slack communities, graphics.
and quitefrankly, I like it.
@Daeng crypto people do not have enough fiat to get a silicon foundry to do anything for them
Calvin is not cryptopeople
also time to market on something like that is 24+ months with an up front 8 figure downpayment
@Rotonen the silicon foundry idea is slightly scary. talk about seizing means of production.
@Clueless from where I'm from snowblossom is a Chinese movie lol
@Clueless if you want scary silicon, look into the takeover of okmetic
is it a good movie?
Don't know I'm not Chinese