@wes notice the `&` at the end of `./node.sh &` it causes it to run in the background.
yep i can see that when i do ps
when i ran .client.sh it seems to have generated a wallet, however im wondering where is the pw or private key?
@wes in the wallet file
bunch of gibberish in that .wallet file when i open with nano
you can do: client export filename
to export the wallet to the filename
does client.sh relay cmd line options?
The wallet is a protobuf message in binary
Export will give it in plain text
not sure im doing this with the right structure
export [-fn] [name[=value] ...] or export -p typeset [-aAfFgilnrtux] [-p] name[=value] ... false
i was getting command “client” not found
when i typed client export snow-XXXXXXXX.wallet
or client export snow-XXXXXXXX.wallet testfile
@wes `./client.sh export <filename>`
ok got the new file and i can see a bunch of public/private keys
@wes • In order to run a script, you have to directly point to it. • `./` means "in this directory" so `./client.sh` means client.sh in this directory. • you can also do `/path/to/script/client.sh` to run it directly. • If you run a command without a path, the system searches typical binary paths in the system to see if that binary/command exists, like `/usr/bin/client` or `/bin/client` (which don't exist)
makes sense, figured that out real quick because i was in the wallet directory the first time i tried and it wouldn’t work.
had to back out so the ./ would be appropriate
or i could have changed the ./ i suppose
@wes Windows has system paths it searches, the variable PATH, linux also has PATH
That's my path on ubuntu
so, when I run `client` it searches those directories for a file named "client" to run.
but it doesn't exist
@wes also, you know linux has tab-complete right?
Yeah ill have to do a bit of reading on setting up path in linux
but yes, i do know tab-complete, saves time for sure
so now that i have a wallet, and a file with a bunch of private/public keys, im assuming i need to update my miner.conf with the address
@wes you typically don't have to set it yourself. but if you add `/var/snowblossom` or wherever your run scripts are, to your path, you can just run
`client.sh` from anywhere, and it'll work.
--- I might update my install scripts to do that
thats a good idea
is there an easy way to torrent on ubuntu servers? I’ve set the auto_snow=true since ive never done torrents on servers
and im assuming i paste “snow:addresscode” in the mine_to_address field of the miner.conf
or do i not have to do that because mine_to_wallet=wallet will already know what to do
@wes auto_snow will take a long time, snowblososm mining would be useless if you could generate it faster than you could mine it heh. and yes, `snow:address` works fine. or mine_to_wallet will just grab it from file.
Ok I’ve set my wallet address. How would i go about torrenting the snowfield then on ubuntu @Clueless
aria2 is pretty common for torrenting.
I made a directory called snowblossom.7 in the snow directory
so, when you torrent snowblossom.7, it'll give you a `snowblossom.7` directory.
oh ok ill remove it then
@Clueless side note, going back to the file with all the public/private keys, why are there so many and what do i do if I want to send some of the currency?
@wes 1. Currently snowblossom doesn't use HD keys. And currently there's no method to make the quantum resistant HD keys. So there's no master keys used. 2. If you want to send snowblossom, you do `./client.sh send <amount> <address>` 3. If you want to give an address to someone, you could give them the private key to it, but it's easier to send the amount to their address.
Ok gotcha, torrent is downloading and will take about 35 mins, after that’s done I guess i can run the miner.sh and everything should be good to go?
I suggest you run the pool-miner with a pool though.
maybe even the recent arktika
@wes I like helping new people. It helps me better understand how to make things easier for everyone to use. :)
@wes More experienced people tend to just figure it out and make it work anyway, but that doesn't report the problem to me to fix.
Ok you think with 128gb RAM instance its still worth doing a pool eh. I’ll take a look once this finishes. Help is much appreciated, i know a lot of the other node currencies have articles published on medium with screenshots that might help
or youtube videos
@wes the ram gives you faster speed mining. You're still not mining so fast you can mine alone. typically.
I suppose I can provide screenshots.
Any way to estimate how much ill be mining with that type of instance?
i have the server for free for 2 weeks, figured it would be best to get something, rather than waste free credit.
@wes depends entirely
hey @Clueless is your script going to solve the problem of the node.sh being able to run if i close my terminal window? It seems the process was killed when i close my mac, the vpn auto cuts the internet connection when i do that. and also wondering how many threads you recommend, i have 24 vcpu so does that mean i can do 24 threads?
you might want to do 48 actually
ok, about to connect to http://snowday.fun pool and see how it goes
Probably best to pick a pool that has a bit more hash rate
ok which one do you guys recommend?
I like hamster science
lets see what kind of hashrate i can get
~125 K/s is that any good?
Not for mem mining
Is it going up?
Might take a while to stabilize
You should get at least a mh
its just jumped up to 150 K/s
running 48 threads
digital ocean 128gb 24vcpu instance
ill let it run and see where it stabilizes
@Fireduck If things aren’t performing well, what range of threads should i test?
my cpu usage looks like its around 28-30%
You are limited by io speed to disk
getting better speeds with 24 threads
what pool is snowpool on the explorer? I dont see one called snowpool on github
i see these errors in the node log: WARNING: Stream Error io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception$StreamException: Stream closed before write could take place
is it bad?
not particulary, but keep an eye on it @fydel
@Shoots dunno
it is not bad
basically the only way we know if a client went away is when we get an error trying to send them something