Intel’s High-End Cascade Lake CPUs to Support 3.84 TB of Memory Per Socket
intel's getting into the high end database game finally
That silly old r900 has four memory risers with 8 sticks each I think
It is kinda funny
server board layouts did not get actually streamlined for airflow for a long time
ref. why google had to build their own
Google also wanted things like 12v only power supplies
they had per aisle 48V IIRC
and they do neat stuff like convert old paper factories with seawater cooling into data centers (ref. their site in hamina) The Phison E12 Reference Design Preview: A Next-Gen NVMe SSD Controller
next gen cheap SSDs should do just fine for snowblossom
your site seems to just be full of things that I can't buy yet
if you take those multicore numbers and divide by 30, that seems to be about how many kh/s that processor can do
that's just because those are all dual channel systems
or, rather, the quad channel systems mixed in there will probably do divisor of 15 instead
amd epyc is 8 channels per socket, those are the hardware king of obtainable enough hardware
and no worries, the already suspect parent company of anandtech got acquired today so they'll prolly ramp down on the quality, depth and futurism soon enough