Guys, just so I'm not going crazy, I've initially downloaded 7th field and it's all right, mining starts at a CRAWL, will it take time to speedup somewhat? 32 core 200gb++
Nevermind, it eventually caught up :slightly_smiling_face:
nice. how much MH/s? 1?
google cloud?
[2018-07-01 11:07:29] INFO snowblossom.miner.PoolMiner printStats 15 Second mining rate: 1723114.859/sec - at this rate 2.596 minutes per share (diff 28.000) [2018-07-01 11:07:29] INFO snowblossom.miner.PoolMiner printStats 1-min: 1.728M/s, 5-min: 1.727M/s, hour: 429.969K/s [2018-07-01 11:07:29] INFO snowblossom.miner.PoolMiner printStats Shares: 25 (rejected 0) (blocks 0)
Closer to 1.7 I guess. No, AWS.
what instance type?
on par with me. i have r4.8xlarge 1.766 M/s
r3.8xlarge 1.658 M/s
@dquancey it takes a few minuets for it to load up into memory
Yeah got it @Clueless been a couple of weeks since I tried but put it down to the larger field, but wanted to make sure.