there's a calculator here
how accurate is that?
for 90kh/s the result is 3.6snow/month
Sounds about right
But the network hash rate could change is there any new pools that have not been added here yet?
it seems that some of them no longer work
that seems very hard to mine
You mean complex or that the mining doesn't make much?
I mean it doesnt make much now
based on the calculator
Yeah, some folks are mining it hard
Not sure who
the nethash has stabilized at a level of 1000+ enterprise servers or 50 000+ low power nvme mining setups
the truth is probably some fuzz between those two rough figures
Which seems crazy
well, at least the mining has been so non-trivial since the beginning that the interest in the coin seems genuine
in 5U enterprise server terms, that's 5000+ rack units of hardware, so 120+ 48U racks of hardware, and if one assumes one can fit 3 nvme miners per one rack unit, that's ~17 000+ rack units and ~350+ racks
and electricity consumption, if assuming 5kW per enterprise server, is some 5GW, and in low power nvme, about 1,2MW
Did you mean 5MW on the high end?
no, giga
there's a reason why i'm telling people to build their farms onto nvme
but quick numbers, not unreasonable to assume i've cocked something up there
5KW * 1000 = 5MW. Have I gone crazy?
you have not, i cocked up the order of magnitude
the efficiency gap is indeed in the order of something like 1:4
Cool, makes sense.
I'm glad people feel it is worth putting hardware to work on
if the surf miner works, that could widen to something like 1:6 with next gen nvme on pcie4
It should in theory work but something isn't working right there so maybe I have something wrong.
if nvme pulls up to a 1:10 gap in energy use, then the hosting density gap becomes debatable