Open beta of the Snowblossom Android app is pending publish now.
Just waiting on Google Play store magic.
The Android app is great! Just finished testing it
A small hint that generating a new wallet takes longer might be helpful. It took over one minute on my old device
If I have a typo in my address it just shows "Failed. Could not complete transaction". An error like address checksum failed would help in this case
trying to build a simple Snowblossom website that works well on mobile devices
turns out that I really hate CSS
Don't we all
hypertext was a mistake; bring back gopher
nice work, putting the .info site "live" soon? this is what I came up with Snowblossom is a simple, scalable & portable cryptocurrency.
need to update the site/node anyhow
@Tilian I'm working on a number of things, but I'm not happy with my design skills yet
I like how those two you linked look, but I also like the original website so that probably says more about me. :sweat:
If there's any way I can help out let me know. Even though all I'm good at is stealing and adapting CSS.
@Tilian I have a thing for flexbox in CSS
flexbox is nice, I used milligram which is just flexbox + some basic button, list and text styles
I'm thinking about making a fundraising/bounties page for specific tasks (e.g. gui wallet, certain services, whatever people want) where people could donate/claim bounties -- but I'm not sure what the best "trustless-ish" way to do that would be apart from some sort of m-of-n multisig scheme where there's still centralized trust.
so the protocol supports multisig but the client tooling is not really there yete
ah, I was just digging through `snowblossom.proto`
yeah, it works and the nodes and proto fully support it
there is a little bit of support in the jsonrpc sign api, which will read a tx and sign it with whatever keys the local wallet has that are still missing
a reasonable tool to generate multisig addresses is mostly what is missing
the jsonrpc also has a way to build an unsigned transaction to be signed later
oh so you can actually do it through the jsonrpc without manually crafting a tx already? neat.
I'll play around with it for the sake of learning
yeah wanted that, which is a sensible feature for secure business integration
if using the jsonrpc is acceptable, the only real missing thing is a way to generate a multisig address giving a set of public keys
which wouldn't be hard
@Tilian you’d fork over for the university of minnesota patents?
matter of abusing `AddressSpec.Builder`?
and ew, IP
yeah, load up an AddressSpec and then AddressUtil.getHashForSpec()
well, that is why www is a thing
don't think I could fork over enough
and thanks for the insight, fireduck
and thus gopher remains dead
at least usenet lives...
do not use the search on wikipedia and read it with lynx and you have about the same experience, though
usenet is just multipart attachments these days by data volume?
that's pretty spot on
and I'm one of those silly modern elinks guys
try dillo one of these days
mind blown