So basically all the ecdsa-magic is hidden in this call: KeyPair pair = key_gen.genKeyPair();
to really speed things up this needs to be pulled out of the library and taken apart
it will look ugly afterwards
encoding the address also takes some time. Maybe this can be done .. backwards?
Convert the given string into corresponding bits in the public key and then check for these
unless, of cause, if its the last characters
Yeah, can do maybe limited by base conversation offset
Oh well the function to do so already exists. Its called "decode"
:smile: Vanitygen PLUS! Generate vanity address for 100+ cryptocoins including: BTC, LTC, LBRY, UNO, DASH, DIAMOND, DOGE, FEATHER, GROESTL, MONA, PEERCOIN, VERTCOIN, ZIFTR, CROWN, GAME, PINK and MORE! Removed the prefix length limit, now capable of searching for longer prefixes... Altcoin encryption and decryption of private keys is also supported.
that is certainly a list of things
the opencl integration is decent
that is the hard part
I used an older version of this back in the day
still use some of those addresses