vectorshape came up with this website design
It's a quality theme, but I personally think it's too busy.
i guess it would be clearer without the different shades of grey/black
other than that, it looks ok. it should have a link to FAQ/Quickstart or whatever though
i realise they can get there via docs/wiki but i know that because ive seen the wiki
:snowblossom1: :snowblossom2: :snowblossom3::snowblossom4:
the main things are 'tech in nutshell' 'how to wallet' 'how to mine'
@Rotonen rip my art to pieces with your critiques.
I made cookies
12 lousy cookies? who's that gonna fill...
they're not even mansize
There are more trays
there'd better be!
what is the green and red stuff?
m and more ms, i think
multiple ms
whatever theyre called
ah. now i see it.
m or ms
tss. americans...
Yeah, they all have chocolate chip. Some have extra Ms
I think it is nonsense
lol what's nonsense?
m und ms?
Adding m&m to chocolate chip cookies is nonsense
i know the movie thx 1138. but what does 4EB stand for?
the movie was based on an earlier work by the director when he was a student and that version had 4EB at the end
ah. okay.