I run nothing but debian
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk vim screen git dc dstat curl ntp
that is my normal system stuff install
short feedback: switched to lobstack and node synced without any issues
@Ghadras what version of java? release? it has to be 64 bit.
``` OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-8u181-b13-2~deb9u1-b13) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode) ```
block headers in a leveldb database are about 100MB
Sweet, serialized stats objects are 4M
What TPS has the testnet achieved so far?
6000 tx blocks
600 second block time
Eventually going to increase the block size
can a non-trusting distributed ledger system actually be throughput oriented?
even the bank-internal closed distributed ledger systems are not high throughput systems, but just a convenience shorthand for sharing open books between parties
Depends on your criteria. Suppose you don't mind a cluster rather than a single machine node.
You could have a sharded braid of chains or a shared chain in general
And hit whatever number you need
well, the people whom seem interested usually pull out credit card processing levels of transactional densities
or airline ticketing is an another staple i see in argumentation
both of which rely on inherent optimizations from centralization and built in trust
Sure. Airline ticket is silly, the airline can be central point
what most people in practice have a problem with is waiting ~1h at the ATM for a transaction to confirm
and what most people like is more predictable intercontinental transfers than using SWIFT
or in some cases, even better within europe than SEPA
within a country banks are capable of being unbeatable
for the ATM use case, (or retail in general) unconfirmed is fine
assuming it has some decent network penetration
for the large swift or real estate transaction...well, plan on being there for an hour or two
low fee unconfirmed and as soon as you leave higher fee double spend to yourself?
any properly written node software will reject that
snowblossom included
first to confirm wins?
it's not spent so long as it's still only in the mempool?
i'm assuming the question above revolves around these kinds of themes of ability to consume from a bloated mempool
First seen stays in mempool Double spend is rejected, never joins mempool
so only split mempool visiblity is an issue
fair enough, that'd require orchestration
@Fireduck relatedly how's snowblossom on dropping stuff off the mempool?
Nothing drops from menpool. Might need to change that.
not yet relevant, but that one might require a lot of thinking to get right
I recently made a change such that low fee things can't use up all the block space
Or in fact mempool space
iirc you tested that on the testnet
how'd that work in, say, network splits?
Complex and am on mobile because wife is using my computer.
Nodes gossip mempool to each other
So on rejoin they will sync up
i'm just generally curious around network split handling, as it's not infeasible entire countries can be off the internet for a week or two at some point in the near enough future
and irc was such fun in the late 90s
Yeah, that would likely be a big chain reorg
I could add code that tries to put tx from orphan blocks into mempool
That would try to replay everything on a merge
i'd need pen and paper to try to plot that riffle shuffle
It would work out if the sides we're truly disconnected
And no one was signing with same key on both sides
And the losing side didn't spend coinbase.
So, a mess
well, i’ve yet to see any system habdle something like that well
centralized systems halt and bring in lawyers and accountants to sort a mess out
and we can essentially only hope autopilot decentralized ones are beyond anyone’s ability to foresee in regards to how to stack the deck so they more consistently land on top?
One answer there is if a wide section of nodes don't show your unconfirmed tx, don't accept it
If you can't even reach most of the network, maybe don't even trust blocks
Expressing hate for csv: /'"_:;!()[]|`~ ha parse that
@Fireduck urlencode. Done. :P
@Fireduck there's more fun outside ascii for that