hah, come to my pool.
@Clueless sir, Can u add my pool https://findsnow.org/ into Official WIKI? 0.68% fee.:grin:thank u.
@alistar sure
thank u,sir
@alistar #NAME?
name is domain
@alistar do you want to be listed as the operator?
that's a question, yes/no, do you want to be listed as operator?
omg, my pool have more hashrate now.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I like our pool distributions
Spending a lot of money making field 4 in GCP
in theory I can make it locally but that hasn't been going super well
i would like to rpc call MrPlow and get a list of blocks mined.
that is actually harder than it sounds :wink:
ah. okay.
but very doable
then i humbly request this feature. :smile:
it shall be done
anding new database tables
I suppose you want them in order or something
that would be great.
and after you pool solves 100,000 blocks, you probably just want the most recent ones
whatever, not borrowing trouble
yet. :smile:
want the entire block headers or just the hashes?
i think the hashes are enough.
saving the headers in the db just in case we change our mind
or want something else later
cool. thanks.
probably done in a few minutes
maybe 15
{ "result": { "found_blocks": 4, "hashes": [ "000000e804d55f2253f2df37d83028b6643f680d0e01edcf663e907790b57d19", "0000007758531fd85463dc4e2ec8a3b803655cfab6f4ba11e904d4e297849068", "000000c6fd193a348ed4dfb01e32bd7947a85e6acda62647aa0beadb6c835fac", "000000202452850901943ce74b8e3b55fc51b30ac21259ba21b090715a7182d3" ] }, "id": "whatever", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
in mr plow.conf: rpc_port=13331
curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":"getfoundblocks", "id":"whatever"}' http://localhost:13331/ | jq .
it will only show blocks after you update MrPlow
and doesn't work with lobstack db
@fydel bam
oh. cool. i’m am already in bed now. i will test tomorrow.
thanks and good night.