Text messages through twilio cost $0.0075 per. I might just use this service for personal stuff
why we need SMS?
Does SNOW have smart contact in the future?
do we have a logo or icon for SnowBlossom?I want to desgin some T-shirt.
@Fireduck @Clueless
@alistar Not really yet.
ok, is anyone designing the logo?
probably not yet, quite a lot of the appeal of snowblossom is that it is a technology first project
likewise the site is butt ugly, but it's content first
So, I've discovered an SMS gateway service. I can basically send SMS notifications for $0.0075 apiece.
I'm thinking I should provide a snowblossom notification service to tell you that your address got paid, or similar
why leave papertrails onto countless arbitrary 3rd parties unless necessary=
The goal is general ease of use. If that means some sort of notification system and similar tools in the meantime, so be it. :P
have any better ideas? ;)
everyone interested can roll their own
that doesn't work for laymen
why not use a app notification? if we have a Android Wallet, u can got notification through APP..
@alistar that is probably 80 hours of work. Hard to see making that a priority.
@Clueless aws SNS works well. Can do email, can do application integration.
Webhooks is a more open option
I'm playing around with SMS and zabbix stuff
@Fireduck thanks. that was really helpfull.
Applications and stuff will come later in time
is thinking about switching from zabbix to something else
that is so cool
I setup an SMS gateway with my monitoring server. and I wrote some stuff to allow me to perform actions via SMS
build a pool
https://findsnow.org/ some suggestion here?