I'm back everyone
I didn't know you were gone, but so glad you made it back to us!
eh, I woke up to 5+ missed messages so..
you should get a job
What's a job?
I don't know
The supply starts at 50 per block, halving every 4 years.
How many a day now
~10 minute block time, at 50 per block = 7200 per day? roughly?
estimated network hash rate: 1104.794 Mh/s
Hashrate grew too fast. No block for almost an hour now
what is everyone mining with for the hash rate to jump that much?
Renting compute servers
well that hash can't last that long in that case
Its not cheap that's for sure
everyone was kung fu fighting
so....i‘ll diy some super servers.....:smiley:
you can search by block number: https://explorer.snowblossom.org/?search=7011
or block hash, or tx hash
or address
and as soon as the cache updates, you'll be able to see pool counts for the last 1000 blocks
I think the RPC is going to be very important.
yeah, I started on some notes of what I would want if I were making an exchange
hope it is mostly correct
and I'll just do that
http://snow.protopool.io should chill out :wink:
The CAP theorem is for quiters.
Don't settle for less than all three.
well, going to hand wave a little bit on the consistency
eventual consistency is still consistency
I usually opt for “eventually I will address CAP”
I am working on a wallet data file format that will be friendly to use on multiple computers with syncing later
like dropbox, rsync in both directions, unison, etc
basically anything that gets files from one side to the other
oh now THAT’s a good idea :slightly_smiling_face:
ideally it’d be human readable too but not sure if that is impractical?
I never trust binary wallet files, you never know what the hell might be in them
oh no, this file is corrupt. Great, how the hell was I supposed to know that?
also: corrupt binary wallet looks exactly the same as valuable binary wallet
so binary is easier to program, but it is worth some effort to make it readable
yeah it worked well for bitcoin, just write the stuff out with random endianness and then it’s someone else’s problem ;o)
Jesus. Making my Bitcoin pool software was basically a week of undocumented endian hell.
oh _that_ Fireduck - satoshidice?
ok.. my pool votes yes now. :ballot_box_with_ballot:
i’ll steer my pool clear of votes, just to differentiate, even though i’d vote yes myself
miners voting through a pool would be a feature
it'd be powerful to do something deterministic and checksum/error corect that hard.
@Rotonen you're not voting with the pool for now?
@fydel which pool is yours? :P
@Clueless the little hamster
ah. :)
@fydel let me know if you want to be placed on here: https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/snowblossom/wiki/Mining-Pools
thanks. but too much responsibility. maybe later.
@Clueless i’ll leave the pool out of all votes, so if ever need be, there is a public pool, which does not vote
makes sense
is clueless the only official escrow here?
Getting almost the same hash on my NVMe without precaching the 64GB I have
what is the current discord invitelink?
@cXplexus your os caches stuff for you
Yeah, but I thought it would still be a significant amount like when it was field 6
@cXplexus rethink
It’s hard
I fell into a fire and have 1st and 2nd degree burns on my arm and face. So I can’t wrap my head around it. Lol
Hence my MIA
@cXplexus, precaching gives huge improvement (like 5x) when you can get like 80% of the field in memory. When only 45% or so is in memory, then it's a much smaller improvement (like 1.5x)
And as fields grow hash on SSDs will go down of course
Cuz they are the same
ignoring caching effects, a 16gb field on an SSD should be the same speed as a 512gb field on the same SSD
obviously caching would be very effecting on the 16gb field.
but less noticeable for example from 128gb to 256gb
Which would eat up more power
So at a certain point unless you have the ram it’s not worth the extra power draw using the RAM/CPU
@cXplexus mining snowblossom is not limited by number crushing, at least my hardware stays relatively cool vs. normal ’full loads’
Hello anyone can send me a link to the discord channel? Many thanks
Thanks Shoots.
But I clicked it and opened discord, then nothing
its not connecting to snowblossom channel
weird here's another one https://discord.gg/VEvZhX
woo, I got ec2 with ipv4 and ipv6 working
I still get this message
I mantain my position that discord sucks
someone messed with the permissions
nope not working sadly
which fields should I download to mine?
to start mining now, 8 to be prepared for the next storm
@kkwang2005 that link worked for my in an incognito window
not sure what to tell you
isee. my ssd is only 32G, is it ok for mining?
whats your discord username?
I am in
Thanks for all.
Is 32G ssd ok for mining?
you will need an ssd large enough to hold field 7 which is 128gb
field 8 is 256gb
Google is nice enough to let you run on Cloud if you need a couple weeks to get some new drives set up, like me. lol
They gave me a $300 credit, so I'm mining snowblossom with it.
Kind of like this on their platform. I've been able to play around with different builds to see what works best.
if you dont deposit money soon and they see you are mining on 300 free trial they will black list you
happened to me and they wont let me mine even if I want to pay
plus aws is better
Oh well. I have parts on the way, I just found out it works for now, so why not. I don't really use Cloud for anything else, all of my other rigs are on-premise. These are also pre-empts, so they aren't meant to last.
I just moved a few of the seed nodes from gcp to aws
since aws supports ipv6
the vpc setup for ipv4 and ipv6 to work is pretty weird
but it almost makes sense now
frighteningly enough
on AWS
I haven't looked into AWS for stuff like this yet, will research later. If nothing else I'm enjoying the sandbox aspect with cloud builds.
I do a lot of dev and testing on local VM instances
and then move things to cloud VM instances for making them accessible to others
that way I am not screwing up real OSes with strange libraries
and since each VM does pretty much one thing, I don't give a crap what I install or where
so yeah
Local is mostly where I've been. I hadn't even considered moving to cloud VMs until I got into this coin. Now, I'm actually considering it for other applications.
it can get expensive quick, especially for hobby projects
this algo is interesting, depends on the size of ssd. not many miners use ssd larger than 256G
Could, but I'm thinking if I can actually generate revenue to cover it I can get away with a few non-revenue projects along the way. Still have to research it a bit and crunch numbers, may not be worth it at all but at least worth a look.
It's a combo of memory, the disk, and the cpu, emphasis on memory and cpu, from what I've learned so far. You really just need bigger disks to store the field files.
how to download the fields if I dont have torrent downloader?
are you on terminal?
use transmission-cli
be sure to use -w to set download directory
or deluge-console
the ssd requirement make this coin very very hard to mine for majority of miners.
good for miners who can mine
if it catches on people will buy ssd's and use them to mine, similar to how people buy gpus to mine
my best ssd is 120G, shit,,,,, cant mine it
I'm in a similar boat right now, I have GPU rigs with like 120g drives at best, 32 on average. I'm working on a new build, but this rig is 100% unique compared to the others. Mostly RAM and instead of GPUs in PCIe lanes, it's going to be ssds, lol.
well, I was trying to make something different :wink:
Definitely succeeded. And it's interesting. I have 2 friends that gpu mine who are working on getting into it.
They kind of see it as a 'new challenge' since it renders their current machines effectively useless, lol.
the problem is building a machine with more than 128gb of ram gets into strange server hardware that is always more expensive
I'm sourcing Enterprise hand-me-downs for most of what I'm working on, but you're right, some parts you'll have to spend big on to keep up.
Used Proliants will become the new GTX 1070. haha
That one would work thru next field, I'm looking at a proliant with 1tb memory capacity for decent prices, haven't found a specific model yet.
yeah, I can see that
Then I throw in a few big drives, and just add memory every storm
might as well use 2tb SSDs to load into memory
don't want that to take forever
Yep, that's the idea.
Can scale as time goes on though, don't have to do it all up front, is what I'm thinking.
But, depending on how prices go, I can build it out either way with that type of machine.
More drives, or more memory. Or both. haha
I'll still be shopping around rest of this week, I'm doing a lot of comparing and giving consideration to scaling up later. This is a good coin, have a feeling sticking with it will be a wise move.
for torrents, aria2
When will the next storm come?
Thanks Rotonen for aria2
My guess is next field activates at difficulty 41. Last two were at 37 and 39
Very cheap 320GSSD,$50
that’ll probably get you about 5kH/s
If I use 20 of them together
just buy an nvme drive
the 1tb and 2tb samsung 970 evo's look pretty good
Unlimited expansion of storage?
theyre about 7x faster than a sata drive
Buy ten to use together
your sata controller’s command density saturates first
unless you get a proper sas backplane, at which point you could by a couple of computers and nvme disks for the same money
quality of io is expensive, no cheap shortcuts currently
The price of China $1000,My God
and 10 of those is still 50kH/s minus overhead so probably 20k .. 30k
that’s what they cost everywhere
cheaper than 2TB RAM, though
someone needs to fork snowblossom into snowblossom cash so we can start mining at field 1 again
we’ll have to wait for transaction fees for snowblossom gold, though?
the 970 evo will get one some 100k .. 200k, plus ratio of ram cache on top
What devices support 1T OR 2T ddr4?
if you factor the price of the computer on top in i still find the nvme drives cheaper
@Ninja many non-intel servers do (and have for years)
look up an oracle M5, for example, or an ibm POWER9
though i think the venerable T4 and T5 could do more ram per socket than the new shiny M8
though it is extremely unlikely anyone will ever throw hardware like that at snowblossom, it is healthy to remember they do exist
It's too expensive
no one thought of ASIC development being affordable either
until it was
How much?
currently prepping with finding good deals on larger 950 pro or 960 pro is the cheap future proofing
@Ninja funnily enough about the same as a lambo: http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/exadata-pricelist-070598.pdf
Why not use it ram
Faster speed
Using RAM mining
RAM is the answer.
sup all
Welcome back