I wanna get the dockerhub build flow going. This seem sane? Some ideas for improvement: 1. have pool and miner entrypoints on the way, but it's easier to test with a node up. 2. could make or use a separate bazel build environment image to greatly reduce build time. 3. Mounting a volume manually mandatory to force user to keep private keys, but I'd like to make it optional/easier for nodes, explorers, etc. 4. I'd like to edit existing config files in volumes rather than just overwriting them with environmental variables.
that's hot
now to set them up to run on every commit
or push head? running on every commit requires a lot of rigor about every commit always being able to have green tests
I try not to push half done things that don't work. That should run fine on every commit. But that is partly because when given the same inputs it makes the exact same transaction hash. So it doesn't error as a double spend.
That was accidental but helpful
@Rotonen I think it's useful to build uncommitted changes. As for dockerfile opaqueness, eh. I see the value in being explicit but I think it adds layers and makes things less organized?
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] #176 docker deployment
I intend for docker images to be tagged as: `dev` - git master - latest commits `latest` - latest release `<tag/branch>`
@Rotonen ah, I think I see what you mean now with git committed changes. I'm looking into how to do that.