bazel 2 - let's see :stuck_out_tongue:
off to a good start `ERROR: error loading package '': Encountered error while reading extension file 'deps.bzl': no such package '@build_stack_rules_proto//': error loading package 'external': Could not load //external package`
What bazel version?
ah, 2.0.0
Now I see what you mean
Ok, they have deprecated a bunch of things we need
ok, it looks like we are supposed to use this thing instead: Rules to resolve and fetch artifacts transitively from Maven repositories
which I think is doing the transitive dependency, which is otherwise a huge pain in the ass
however, I don't like not having the hashes pinned in the WORKSPACE file
Looks like there is a way to make a pinning file that is checked in
This is cleaner, I like it. But it does kinda suck that older version of snowblossom won't build on new bazel and new versions won't build on old bazel
I guess google has decided that they don't give a crap about that
well, that was fun