wanna outline?
client herding is a big thing for targeting such schemes
Sure. It simply takes a fixed list of uris and selects the one that responds fastest.
As for where those lists come from, currently the config or hard coded into source.
so herdable by multiple vectors, but no one has solved that yet
DNS TXT is probably a sane way to go
I think my solution is curated lists. Maybe being able to provide a url to a list.
Then if you like fydel, you can use his list of nodes.
that he selects based on whatever criteria he used
distributing the targetables does make sense
I was thinking of some sort of WoT sort of scheme
but that really boils down to picking someone to trust to make reasonable decisions
so might as well keep it simple
WoT itself, the company, was tried in court and lost :P
Ha, I meant the concept.
I've tried to write it up a little, probably need to make sure this is sane