@Fireduck so my brother helped me come up with an idea. how about an `unsigned-mempool` for multisig transactions?
Could do that
the idea is a short TTL mempool of not fully signed transactions, to make it easy for multisig clients to communicate and sign a transaction collaboratively
Makes sense
People will use it to send porn to each other but whatevs
well, you could easily fee them as well
(only if they're confirmed) :/ hm
Just a free best effort broadcast
Which is fine
wondering if there's a way to charge for it
Could make people do a little PoW with it
I like that!
The test: • Delete node database • Set `-Xmx?M` • Try to sync database 100 - fails 200 - fails 300 - fails 400 - fails 500 - fail with core dump? 600 - testing https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/snowblossom/files/2635942/ram_allocation_testing.log
@Fireduck I'm going over all my monitoring again, it's all in place. Where do you think I should have it notify us if there's irc activity?
(activity when there hasn't been any for what, an hour?)
I'm thinking a monitoring channel. "node broken here" or "irc activity" etc.
Monitoring is a whole world of shit that I don't see handled well these days
I use a bunch of cloudwatch alerts for some things
but they are kinda a pain and have some cost per alert
plus the delivery mechanism is limited
I do like the delivery to slack option
yeah, monitoring does take too much work, but my monitoring stuff works at least.
for now I think I'll just put it in "general" that there's activity in irc
basically `if it's been quiet for awhile and there's activity in irc, notify us in snowblossom` so we can go respond to them
Solid idea