QHard TX `5dc53f864b6d060f218284121e67c3da85ede422ebe28786510dd3ea371c79b0` https://explorer.snowblossom.org/?search=5dc53f864b6d060f218284121e67c3da85ede422ebe28786510dd3ea371c79b0 ``` Transaction status: { "unknown": true } ```
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64
Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: Commiting new UTXO root: d91ef515c4fa4a018612466e93273080833ecf88c0a7c2ff5bb7f9 04d0a4dd60 Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: [2018-11-16 06:46:58] INFO snowblossom.node.PeerLink onNext Some bs from 260 1:602:8802:2091:8024:a264:5e76:5330:2338 Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.rocksdb.RocksDBException: unknown WriteBatch ta g Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.db.rocksdb.RocksDBMap.putAll(RocksDBMap.java:97) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.trie.TrieDBMap.bulkSave(TrieDBMap.java:54) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.trie.TrieDBBuffered.commit(TrieDBBuffered.java:34) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.trie.HashedTrie.mergeIfNewRoot(HashedTrie.java:70) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.UtxoUpdateBuffer.commitIfEqual(UtxoUpdateBuffer.java :41) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.Validation.deepBlockValidation(Validation.java:313) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.node.BlockIngestor.ingestBlock(BlockIngestor.java:113) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.node.PeerLink.onNext(PeerLink.java:197) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.node.PeerLink.onNext(PeerLink.java:22) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls$StreamObserverToCallListenerAdapter.onMessa ge(ClientCalls.java:406) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener.onMessage(ForwardingClientCallL istener.java:33) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener.onMessage(ForwardingClientCallL istener.java:33) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1MessagesAv ailable.runInContext(ClientCallImpl.java:526) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at io.grpc.internal.ContextRunnable.run(ContextRunnable.java:37) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at io.grpc.internal.SerializingExecutor.run(SerializingExecutor.java:12 3) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor .java:1149) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecuto r.java:624) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: Caused by: org.rocksdb.RocksDBException: unknown WriteBatch tag Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at org.rocksdb.RocksDB.write0(Native Method) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at org.rocksdb.RocksDB.write(RocksDB.java:602) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: at snowblossom.lib.db.rocksdb.RocksDBMap.putAll(RocksDBMap.java:92) Nov 16 06:46:58 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: ... 17 more Nov 16 06:47:02 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: [2018-11-16 06:47:02] INFO snowblossom.node.PeerLink sendCluster Sending clu ster for 81d743cb1ca6f7a309d15a149a181b50da52bf035fbc091e9df5addc2396177f - 4 transactions Nov 16 06:47:02 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: [2018-11-16 06:47:02] INFO snowblossom.node.PeerLink sendCluster Sending clu ster for 405fc715565d710fcff700fb15b50f144161c91c26b7e9001b3036525b3e0505 - 4 transactions Nov 16 06:47:02 snow-usw1 node.sh[2070]: [2018-11-16 06:47:02] INFO snowblossom.node.PeerLink sendCluster Sending clu ster for e9d6150ed51ba90f6b1a664901b2d9af5434ed3f9fccfd982e2e0b58cd9af4cd - 4 transactions
For some reason, as a node syncs up it ends up somehow getting transactions from blocks in the mempool and then advertising those to peers. The peers don't have the sources in the utxo set (of course) so end up asking for the clusters. This doesn't create a real problem, just some strange log messages and a bit of extra network traffic.
@Fireduck can you drop decimal points off all measures and only use si prefixes? people cannot figure out thousand separators
So I use SimpleDecimalFormat("0.0")
Should I just use "0" ?
will get back to this after looking into java formatters
cool, thanks
sorry, i was confusing it with the date formater
thousand and decimal separators are a clusterfuck
print numbers in hex?
i’m making good money just sanitizing international bash scripts for the locals here
just look up the thousand separator for de_CH and weep
also this disclaimer until monday (UTC)
That looks like it would have no trouble in any script
csh for the win, indeed
Could be worse, could be `
deadkey composed typos in french
we get it all here
those two can combine into ridiculousness with eval in the mix