like what port is that on per default, or one has to tell it to open it up and set basic auth credentials etc?
ha, found it ``` if (config.isSet("rpc_port")) { JsonRpcServer json_server = new JsonRpcServer(config, false); new MrPlowJsonHandler(this).registerHandlers(json_server); } ```
why do you give the rate intervals out in milliseconds? :smile:
Is there another way to express time?
that's a barrel of nightmares i'll not visit tonight
There is probably an EBCIDC time firmat
well, let's just say sidereal and solar times complicate life a lot vs. just utc leap seconds
especially solar times can get quite bonkers
and varieties of sidereal times which account for precessions are also a thing
so 5th degree tensors instead of scalars would be the most horrifying answer i've so far had the pleasure to do database queries in
I'm going to pretend that Unix seconds are all anyone ever needs.
The Earth spins at exact 86400
no, but if you add `monotonic` there i'll take it
the answer to the question of "how many degrees does the earth spin in 24h" is actually a good primer for the nonsense involved, and leap seconds introduce the major categories of nonsense
and if you need to deal with satellites, there's also relativistic effects at play
stratum, that's a well made protocol
The one Bitcoin pool miners use?
yeah, but they do not deal with barycentric dynamical time
stratum is what NTP runs on
and it comes as layered tiers of error management
but since you asked Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB, from the French Temps Dynamique Barycentrique) is a relativistic coordinate time scale, intended for astronomical use as a time standard to take account of time dilation when calculating orbits and astronomical ephemerides of planets, asteroids, comets and interplanetary spacecraft in the Solar System. TDB is now (since 2006) defined as a linear scaling of Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB). A feature that distinguishes TDB from TCB is that TDB, when observed from the Earth's surface, has a difference from Terrestrial Time (TT) that is about as small as can be practically arranged with consistent definition: the differences are mainly periodic, and overall will remain at less than 2 milliseconds for several millennia.TDB applies to the Solar-System-barycentric reference frame, and was first defined in 1976 as a successor to the (non-relativistic) former standard of ephemeris time (adopted by the IAU in 1952 and superseded 1976). In 2006, after a history of multiple time-scale definitions and deprecation since the 1970s, a redefinition of TDB was approved by the IAU. The 2006 IAU redefinition of TDB as an international standard expressly acknowledged that the long-established JPL ephemeris time argument Teph, as implemented in JPL Development Ephemeris DE405, "is for practical purposes the same as TDB defined in this Resolution" (By 2006, ephemeris DE405 had already been in use for a few years as the official basis for planetary and lunar ephemerides in the Astronomical Almanac; it was the basis for editions for 2003 through 2014; in the edition for 2015 it is superseded by DE430).
apparently they finally made a simplification to that for the worst parts in 2006, but dunno if they'll have to go out if they want to use known pulsars for positioning down the line
Oh good
also universal time comes with different leap second compensations, there's UTC, then there's a tidally compensated UTC and there's also a tidally and seasonally compensated UTC (UT1R, UT2R)
and the current ocean mass distribution changes on the northern hemisphere are making that fun for people who need to care
Ok, I'll just have it return Tuesday or not Tuesday
seems fair
to whomever may concern Pastebin: [Python] #!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import requests def main(): url = -