Make the globals in the top of MrPlow configurable.
@Fireduck I added an RPC for work rates, but there's not currently a convenient way to get the rate data from the RateTracker... any preference in how it should be exposed?
I am happy with anything that doesn't break synchronization and returns either a few data structure or an Immutable one
few = fresh
that’ll allow to do ram, optane, nvme, sata and hdd pools - excellent
@Protovist adding rpc to grpc service proto?
I haven't actually built it yet... but it's there. :slightly_smiling_face:
empty request message, server streaming rpc of rate messages
sounds good. I assume you found the NullRequest I've been using for empty request messages?
No, I missed that... I found google.protobuf.Empty, but then just made a method specific one just in case.
Maybe the request will want to specify types of rates in the future. :slightly_smiling_face:
oh protobuf is still in development, just saw 3.6.0 landing
most people i know went for capnproto when that came
I think cap'n proto actually predates the public protobuf release.
@Fireduck Is there an easy way to make local modifications to an external dependency in a bazel workspace?
Specifically, to modify duckutil. Do I need to check it out and change the dependency instead?
That is complicated
you could check it out, change the workspace to point to your copy
not sure exactly how to do that
or you could fork it, commit your changes to your fork and point to that
or you could send a PR and I'll approve it :wink:
I'd like to actually build it and test it firsdt. :wink:
I'll look up how to change the dependency.
So you don't like cram-it-in-while-laughing style development?
I have been conditioned to avoid that. :slightly_smiling_face:
BTW. I have a monitoring server setup. I can happily setup pretty much any notifications you want for whatever events.
pool, blockchain, node status IRC channel activity, etc
@Rotonen @Protovist that includes your pools if you want.
I'll have to setup a second monitoring server though if I allow public access
gah, I got somewhere to be.