2018-06-03 05:12:40
@Tyler Boone So some feedback.
So the entire project is labeled snowblossom, why put that string on the front of directories?
In my opinion we should have
2018-06-03 05:13:01
2018-06-03 05:13:50
That indent doesn't look right. I mean src with the following directories under it {lib, node, client, miner, shackleton}
2018-06-03 05:15:16
A single bazel project with multiple targets is fine
2018-06-03 05:15:26
bazel is very good about not rebuilding things when it doesn't need to
2018-06-03 05:27:56
I think that makes the dependencies less obvious
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:28:58
And even what all composes a stand-alone "piece"/library
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:29:38
I guess it each library is a folder under src?
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:30:39
lets say component. So we have four binaries that we build, node, miner, client and shackleton
2018-06-03 05:31:10
and one shared library that they all will use, which would be Globals, NetworkParams and most of those *Util classes
2018-06-03 05:31:32
What makes sense to me is to have node/src, node/test, miner/src, miner/test, etc.
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:31:53
I hate that and I'm not sure why
2018-06-03 05:32:12
It might be because want to be able to do "grep something src" and see all uses
2018-06-03 05:32:16
that's the standard layout of java projects...
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:32:40
The standard layout of java projects is designed by normal java developers, so I don't put a lot of weight in that
2018-06-03 05:33:01
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:33:38
but deviations from standards make things more confusing for experienced developers too
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:33:53
sure, I was mostly following a form of the google standard
2018-06-03 05:34:05
yeah, it's what you are used to, makes sense
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:34:13
which has java/com/google/etc, basically all source under one tree
2018-06-03 05:34:18
and then javatest/com/google/etc
2018-06-03 05:34:23
all tests under a separate tree
2018-06-03 05:35:14
now that I type that out, I don't know what the advantage of that is
2018-06-03 05:35:41
I'm not a huge fan of that, but I don't hate it so long as the folders under test mirror the folders under src
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:35:42
In your scheme, where do I put tests the test multiple components at once?
2018-06-03 05:35:47
SpoonTest for example
2018-06-03 05:36:07
yeah, they should mirror exactly (which I am aware I haven't been doing)
2018-06-03 05:36:26
let me look at spoontest
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:36:42
You'll love it, it is terrible
2018-06-03 05:36:53
but probably the most useful
2018-06-03 05:37:22
does this simulate running a node and a client and a miner?
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:37:49
It simulates nothing, it does it
2018-06-03 05:37:52
there is no mocking
2018-06-03 05:37:57
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:38:51
if I were emporer, stuff like this would live in a systems/integration test project
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:39:13
What does project mean?
2018-06-03 05:39:22
like "snowblossomlib"
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:39:34
basically "something that compiles to a jar"
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:40:05
bazel does some strange things with tests into binaries but whatever
2018-06-03 05:40:09
I get what you are saying
2018-06-03 05:40:32
yeah, I use more Eclipse/Visual Studio terminology
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:40:39
I haven't totally internalized Bazel yet
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:41:06
Think of bazel as more like make, it isn't super bossy about how you lay out files
2018-06-03 05:41:18
it is just a way to define build rules and dependancies between things
2018-06-03 05:41:53
yeah, that's what I gathered from what you had
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:42:11
I'm a fan of enforcing order upon things
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:43:27
let me finish munging the folders tomorrow based on this feedback and lets see what we think of it
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:43:44
sounds good
2018-06-03 05:43:47
I appreciate it
2018-06-03 05:43:48
I'll go with client/src, client/test, node/src, noce/test, etc
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:44:13
if you don't like it once you see it, it will be easy to switch to src/[node, client], test/[node, client]
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:44:36
2018-06-03 05:45:32
I like the first way because it keeps the tests close to the code, and makes these questions obvious 1) what code is being tested by a given test?, and 2) what tests cover this code?
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:45:59
anyways, I was supposed to be going to bed.
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:46:13
Dan won't be impressed if I stay longer...
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 05:46:32
Tyler Boone
2018-06-03 20:50:05
https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/snowblossom/commit/166b45ac74a5b6098136a5dd0ed8cf4222ca18a8 - Using latest version for each node id
2018-06-03 21:02:22
https://github.com/snowblossomcoin/snowblossom/commit/0e19313c7630fcfd776a8a10fc988d517392a941 - Only prune expired peers after we get connected
2018-06-03 21:02:22
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64
2018-06-03 21:02:23
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64
2018-06-03 21:08:08
So we can do deterministic wallets bip39 style from a seed and HD derivation like other things for EC keys.
That is no problem.
It would be nice to do it for non-EC keys as well, but the part with the xpub deriving addresses without the need of the private key is EC-only magic. But we don't really need that, we could do derivable non-EC keys with using the seed to feed into a deterministic PRNG and then have that used as the SecureRandom to generate other types of keys.
There are problems that probably make this a bad idea:
• If the key generation does any sort of floating point or per-platform/environment optimization it could generate different addresses on different machines/platforms/environments.
• If the key generation algorithm changes in any ways, we will almost certainly generate different keys.
This isn't the sort of thing we can screw around on. Probably a bad idea.
2018-06-03 21:13:04
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64