has anyone gotten snowblossom to compile in eclipse?
lol, that is going to be nearly impossible
it didn't occur to me when you mentioned it yesterday
so the proto file gets compiled into protobuf java classes
and also the grpc uses those service protos to make rpc service classes
which eclipse will need to see
So I was super pleased that someone wrote the bazel rule project to make this happen
if there is a bazel/eclipse tie in package that might work
What inspired you to choose this insane project structure where you put all the code in a src folder and then write build rules for each .jar to selectively include different code?
it isn't very selective
they have almost all the same code
regardless of selectivity, the concept is the same
the node code and the util/library code is very mixed
not saying it couldn't use a big reorg
I need to add PeriodicThread to my duckutil
I keep rewrting it
Added warnings on clock screw and opened up clock skew tolerance
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64
should fix that. Suggested idea: 1. only purge known peers after desired number of links established 2. don't purge any on db load