@Fireduck Testing on windows, using the LAUNCH deploy, shows 40Kish, tested even a ramdisk with no improvement. Looks like Windows is using a C:\Pagefile.sys by default, EVEN with the ram disk
No idea about oagefile
@Drew has joined the channel
Ignores even ramdisk. This presents a severe limitation for Windows users.
Looks like there's ways of disabling paging in java for Windows, but it may be OS specific, maybe even in the batch file you set
Cool. Maybe mark that as a good first issue for someone?
If I am ever terse, just assume I am walking this baby
I think miner optimizations are great for someone to work on, but probably not me. It is separate enough that I don't worry about someone doing something funny there. The blocks will validate or they won't.
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64