in what time frame?
A week?
Not sure
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Issue closed by fireduck64
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Release - test5
[snowblossomcoin/snowblossom] Release - test6
I am making a possibly breaking change
I'm changing the "extra" in a transaction from string to bytestring
since people should think twice before just dumping it to a terminal, I don't want it to be a string
I'll change the proto number so it won't actually even break testnet
I don't know what that first part means
nor the proto number :stuck_out_tongue:
Let me know when you feel we're at a particularly stable point for launch
I'll make a "launch!" release
Will do
Probably tonight
So in a tranasction, I am allowing people to put in up to 100 bytes of whatever nonsense they want
since if I don't they will find some other way to do the same thing, so might as well let it happen somewhere that makes sense
but they could fill it with control characters and all sorts of html blink tags or whatever
so switching that from a string to a ByteString to discourage people from blindly displaying that data